Installing solar power in Sydney is an investment in the future. You’re adding value to your home or business, and insulating yourself from the risk of electricity price rises. So if the only thing holding you back is the up-front expense, it makes sense to spread the cost with a finance package.

Your solar system is designed to save you money from day one and take care of its own repayments. With up to 7 years finance on residential packages and up to 10 years for qualified Business systems, now you don’t have to have the fear of missing out on this Solar BOOM and you can start saving just like over 2 million other smart homes and business are.

Here are some reasons to take advantage of our finance offers for solar energy systems:

  • Pre-approved, so you can install your system with confidence
  • No change to warranties – you’re fully covered, no matter how you choose to pay for your system
  • Interest rates and any fees are clearly explained and agreed up-front
  • The savings on your monthly power bill.


Make the switch to solar energy and save more than your current costs. Connect with us for a conversation in Central Coast, Newcastle & Lake Macquarie.